Large ensemble
For large ensemble and electronics.
2 fl/pic, Bb cla, bcla, hrn, trp, trb, prc, pno, 2 vln, vla, vlc and electronics
Commissioned by Fonds voor de Scheppende Toonkunst
For Slendro gamelan: saron peking, saron barung, saron demung, gender panerus, gender barung, slentem, bonang panerus, bonang barung, kenong, kempul, gong sluwukan, gong ageng, rebab, cengceng, ketuk, kendang gending, kendang, ketipung, kendang, ciblon, bedug.
Commissioned by Deutschlandfunk
For marimba solo, big-band, string quartet and live electronics.,,, 2 Bb trp, tbn, b.tbn, mrb, e.gtr, pno, cb, ds, 2vln, vla, vlc and live electronics.
Syrah (2002) ’20
For chromatic gamelan ensemble and sax quartet.
soprano sax, alt sax, tenor sax, baritone sax, 2 extended saron, bonang barung, gender panerus, gender barung, kempul and gong.
Commissioned by Fonds voor de Scheppende Toonkunst.
Eya (2001) ’25
For ensemble and live electronica.
ob ,cla ,bassoon, hrn, prc, harp, gui, vl, vla, vlc, cb.
Taric (2000) ’20
For Slendro gamelan ensemble and live electronics.
Saron peking, saron barung, saron demung, gender panerus, gender barung, slentem, bonang panerus, bonang barung, kenong, kempul, gong sluwukan, gong ageng, ketuk and live electronics.
Commissioned by the Nederlandse Programma Stichting.
Artrax (2000) ’21
For ensemble.
pic/ fl, cl, b cl, trp, trb, b trb, 2 prc, pno, 2 vlc, 2 cb. Commissioned by Stichting Theater Lantaren/Venster.
DOG (1998) ’15
For large ensemble en recitor.
2 trp, 2hrn, trb, b trb, 3 prc, pno, rct, 2 vl, 2vlc, 2 cb.
Trinkx (2003) ’25
For ensemble.
pic/fl, 3 sax, hrn, 3 trp, 2 trb, btrb, pno, electicbass and live electronics.
Commissioned by Fonds voor de Scheppende Toonkunst.

‘The complete absence of irony [e.g. in the form of quotation, reference or comment] is remarkable. It is especially this lack of distance put his music in the total beliefe in what the pieces are, which puts Mukarno in his unique place among his contemporaries.’